Friday, April 14, 2017

Double Digit Week! (10)


This week is the last full week of my internship. Hooray! But that doesn't mean I still don't a few more weeks to inform you guys about my continual progress on achievement motivation and my senior project.

To my surprise, the ASU Language and Literature department was so grateful for my contribution that they threw me a mini-donut party as a going-away celebration! Alright!!!

They even made me a little plaque (on the right of the donuts) as a token of appreciation for all my efforts.

And here is one with me, my on-site advisor, Julie Pauelsc (right of me in photo), and very friendly ASU office staff.

Meanwhile, let's take a look at the Senior Project work!

This week, I conducted further analysis on my data. I used the final results of the item analyses, which I told you about last week, to create a final conformity scale of four items with two factors. Then, I tested each factor against my other variable composite means.

Shall I give you a hint of what I found? *whispers* Don't tell anyone.

Kids at BASIS don't conform as much as college kids. Yep. You read that right. We here at BASIS are non-conformers! Yeah! And I can prove it.

Taking a look at the tables above, I created variable '1' to represent high schoolers at BASIS and variable '2' to represent college kids at ASU. I bolded the mean rank values in Table 1. to indicate that, on average, college kids are shown to conform more in academic contexts than BASIS students. This is because the values of  '2' were fairly higher than that of '1'. Meanwhile, Table 2. indicated that this correlation was statistically significant (not caused by chance) because the p-value was very low (bolded).

Concurrently, I have officially completed all my results and statistical tests. However, I still need to interpret all the data in a meaningful way and then create my methodology section of my final project. This includes creating appropriate data tables and descriptives alongside the quantitative data.

Overall, I am continuing on strong through my senior project and am eager to discover the latest hidden secrets of motivation and conformity! Until next time!

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