Monday, May 8, 2017

Judgement Day! Final week And Reflections

Saturday morning, I delivered my senior project presentation to peers, friends, faculty, and family. In the morning, I was quite nervous since I only practiced it a few times but I remained confident despite the anxiety.  All in all, I felt that my presentation was an absolute success!!! The audience enjoyed my optimism, keen insight, and well-structured display of my content.

I am so grateful for the experience and opportunity to
  • Obtain a strong foundation in statistics and statistical analysis  
  • Be able to effectively use SPSS statistical analysis software 
  • Learn how to use many Microsoft tools ranging from powerpoint, word, excel, illustrator, photoshop, and paint,  
  • Conduct extensive research by looking at over 30+ psychological studies  
  • Develop time management skills 
  • Improve my interpersonal skills and networking opportunities
  • Intellectually engage myself  
  • Create a 47-page university-style research paper  
The list could go on but I wouldn't want to estrange anyone with a makeshift pseudo-resume. 

To reflect upon it all, this academic endeavor was a definitive end of my comfort zone and a beginning into what most would define as life. Overall, the entire senior project experience was a fun yet equally grueling process that turned into a testament of personal grit. Compared to typical schooling, I would truthfully define this 13 week period as a much more significant undertaking. The shift in demand from passive classroom learning to vaulting into the real world required massive self-discipline. And it's not just intellectually either, it's an entirely different perspective that an individual cultivates that becomes their new frame of mind.

 As Charles Darwin once stated, "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change".

Though this may be a final bidding for this website's blogging endeavors, It certainly is not the last of what I have yet to bring into this world. Stay motivated and Thank you!

If anyone interested, I uploaded the powerpoint presentation and final paper online so that people can check them out!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Final Question- Suggestions for Improvement

What have you, the viewers of my blog, found most particularly interesting, memorable, or insightful about my overall display of my senior project experience? Had I done this again once more, what would you of recommended I add or change?

(Feel free to comment your ideas below or simply reflect)

Monday, May 1, 2017

Final Quote- Whitehead

 The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.
-Alfred North Whitehead